Turning a Targeting Challenge into an Opportunity

In the world of digital advertising, precision targeting is a key ingredient for success, especially when promoting niche products. But what happens when the platforms we rely on suddenly remove the very targeting options that help us connect with the right audience?

When Meta Removed Our Audience, We Found a Smarter Way to Reach Them

In the world of digital advertising, precision targeting is a key ingredient for success, especially when promoting niche products. But what happens when the platforms we rely on suddenly remove the very targeting options that help us connect with the right audience?

This was the challenge we faced when Meta significantly reduced its targeting capabilities, eliminating key audience segments we depended on. Our client, a provider of health insurance for relocating Israelis, needed a way to reach individuals going through this life-changing transition. However, relocation is not a straightforward interest or demographic that can be easily pinpointed through standard ad targeting.

Instead of seeing this as a setback, we turned it into an opportunity.

The Challenge

Finding a Niche Audience Without Direct Targeting

Our client’s product- health insurance for Israelis relocating abroad is highly specific. It’s relevant only to a small percentage of the population, making broad targeting inefficient and costly. In the past, we relied on direct interest targeting related to relocation, such as expat communities, financial statuses, and life events. However, due to regulatory changes, Meta removed these targeting options, making it much harder to find and engage the right audience.

Without the ability to target based on relocation intent, we had to rethink our entire approach.

Our Solution

 A Data-Driven Approach to Audience Discovery

Rather than relying on outdated methods, we took a deep dive into the behaviors and decision-making processes of relocating families. We identified a crucial insight: One of the most significant steps in planning a move abroad is selecting an international school for children.

This led us to a breakthrough strategy:

This approach allowed us to reach a fresh, highly relevant audience that was constantly updating and renewing itself, ensuring a steady stream of potential customers.

The Results:

Precision Targeting That Delivers Real Business Impact

By shifting our strategy and leveraging behavioral insights, we successfully restored and even enhanced our ability to connect with the right audience. The results speak for themselves: